The Ultimate Personal Video Database software for Video/Movie buffs. It's packed with features, very easy and fun to use. Blindingly Fast Database, Uses a Tab metaphor for instant access to different types of Movie/Video information. Has some very unique features not found in other similar programs! See the Feature list for details... Features: Completely rebuilt with a blindingly fast database engine! Colorful, Easy to use and Unique Interface for super-easy navigation Uses a Multi-TAB metaphor for easily switching between several information views Toolbar for instant access to the most common functions Database limit of 2 billion entries! Each video entry can have a link to a Trailer (a Video/Audio clip) that can be played back at any time. Internet Search dialog for Movie titles, Actors, Actresses, Directors, Oscars, Latest Movie info, etc. logs on to the Net to locate whatever you're looking for! Master View option with QuickFind for browsing entire Library Mark an Un-Mark Entries for later retrieval and/or printing Navigation Palette as an alternate browsing tool Store Video Titles, Categories, Video/Audio clip references for playback, Recording Format, ID, Rating, Personal Rating, RunTime, Price, Multi-set, Content, Audio/Visual types, Speed, Description, Summary, Producer, Director, Stars, 4 User-Defined fields and more! On-the-fly Search engine (locates as you type) Print single Entries, Marked Entries or entire Categories at a time Unlimited User-Defined Categories View by Category, View ALL entries or View Marked entries Online Help System Designed as a Users Guide
DVD,DVD Library,DVD Database,DVD Movies,VideoStore3000,VideoStore,Video,Video Database, Videos,Inspired 2 Design,Movies,Movie,Database,Video Library,Video Software,Movie Library,Movie Software,Actor,Actors,Stars,Director,Movie Search,Movie Database